Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Using The Search Functionality In Outlook 2007

With the advent of Microsoft Outlook 2007 came the world of email colour coding, folder naming and filing in a logical order. It was exactly what the proficient emailer had been waiting for. The world of Outlook 2007 meant an end to filing emails in either the In or Deleted box. At last there was an easy way to organise your follow up tasks. It wasn't only mail, but daily targets, calendar events and meetings could also be easily logged and remembered.

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Basic Keyboard Shortcuts In Outlook

A common snippet of trivia among football fans is that Notts County, founded in 1862, is England's oldest football league club. And virtually since that date the passing on of this information has been met with the wisecrack, "Who did they play against, then?" A modern equivalent of this could be asked of the sender of the first ever email: who was the recipient? Surely the sender's address book was empty.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Excel 2010 A Glance Into The Future

When Excel (and the rest of the Office suite) went through a major makeover in 2007, a lot of users had a hard time getting to grips with the completely new interface. If you're au fait with Excel 2007, then the transition to 2010 should be a lot easier. If you haven't, or if you're just curious, then here's a guide to what to expect from the newer breed of spreadsheet.

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How To Embed Fonts In Excel

Some time ago when I was pretty new to the publishing game I received a print-ready leaflet from our designer. I had to do a final proof read of the document before sending it off to the printer and on doing this I noticed a misplaced apostrophe. I opened the application the designer had used to produce the leaflet with the intention of simply deleting the unwanted punctuation mark, but, try as I might, I could not highlight any of the text. With my frustration getting the better of me I rang the designer for help. She told me that the reason I couldn't alter the leaflet was that the font had been embedded. I was none the wiser, so she gave me a brief outline of what this meant and it all became clear. Having said that, embedding fonts is a fairly broad and complex subject, but here are some of the basics, and how they relate to Microsoft Excel.

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Tips From Excel's 'Rarely Used' File

There are times in life when we learn things that are going to be of little use to us as we make our way in the world. Since leaving school I have had little cause to unearth from the depths of my memory such facts as the battle of Agincourt being fought in 1415 or that Fray Bentos is a town in Uruguay. Nor will I ever, unless perhaps one day I am sitting in a chair facing Chris Tarrant.

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How To Get The Best Out Of Excel With The Internet

Advanced users of Excel will be able to use all sorts of tricks and formulas to manipulate, analyse and present data. Sometimes however, no matter how well you know the ins and outs of Excel functionality, there will be a need to do something which will leave you stumped and feeling helpless. Where does the go-to person go when they are the expert in the office? The answer is of course, the internet.

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How To Manage Your Everyday Spending In Excel

Have you ever wanted to create a budget, but are unsure of how much you spend on things like groceries and pets? If you need to add up the total for bills such as water then you may have a paper trail you can add up. If you would like to know how much you spend on cosmetics every month then it will be time to look at the receipts. It can be daunting to look at the many receipts you have and know you have to go through them. It is however, the best possible way to build up an accurate picture of where your money is going. Doing a little bit of receipt logging each month is a good idea, so it doesn't build up and makes the task manageable.

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How To Print Worksheets In Excel

In the past I have created some lovely worksheets in Excel rammed with figures and charts and then some bright spark will inevitably say 'great! Can you print that for our meeting at four?' That's when I gave them a blank look and thought 'not sure, its huge and it won't fit on A4.' There are however, some simple things you can do to plan out the printing of a worksheet. This article will explore some of those options.

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How To Use Filtering In Excel 2010

Filtering is a genius tool if you have lots of data on your worksheet. Imagine a spread sheet where you have hundreds or even thousands of records and you want to either delete a certain kind of record or find the total value for them. It is possible to sort the records, but another simple option is to use the filtering functionality. Sorting only really helps if the values you are looking for come to the top of the list. If they don't then you will still need to scroll down which is a waste of time.

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That's The Wonder Of Autofill

I have noticed that in the articles I write for this site, I often make reference to some of my previous jobs. This is allowed, I suppose, as it was while doing these jobs that I gained my experience in the various applications I now write about. This one, which is on Excel, relates to a simple time saving function that had me flummoxed as I could not for the life of me remember how to carry it out.

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The Mysteries Of Excel Explained

Whether you want to use spreadsheets for basic home accounting, complicated analyses of exam results, or sophisticated forecasting of sales figures for your department, Microsoft Excel 2007 is much more than a simple tool for number crunching.

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Customize Your Gridlines And Borders In Excel 2007

If you are a regular user of Microsoft Excel 2007 then you will know how important gridlines are. If you are working with a large, dense amount of data then it is vital that that data is set out in the clearest and most accessible fashion. Excel's gridlines provide a clear border between sets of information so that no data is confused or misinterpreted.

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Negotiating The Tricky Path To Success

Negotiation is part of life; there's really no escaping it. It might be in the merging of two multinational corporations, it might be a couple deciding where to go on a Friday night, it might be a number of other things. Certainly, no business can hope to prosper unless staff who are involved in negotiating have the requisite skills and experience to get the positive result the organisation needs.

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The Sky's The Limit With Effective Negotiating Skills

An advantage to improving your negotiation skills is that they can be used in all areas of your life. Whenever you encounter a situation that calls for you to discuss your desired outcomes with individuals or groups who do not share your exact outlook, you can call on these abilities to reach a compromise. Negotiation skills are more often linked with workplace environments, but if you do decide to expand on them you may find they benefit you in other arenas. If you are employed in a sector where you are often called on to reach compromises with clients then it could prove useful to improve on these abilities.

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Negotiating Skills - The Penalty Shoot Out

We often hear on the news these days that, in some pay deal or political situation, negotiations have broken down, or that the opposing sides are locked in negotiations. I doubt that many of us give a thought to what goes on in these discussions, but behind those closed doors there could be many different negotiating techniques at work as skilled negotiators apply what they believe to be the strategy that will achieve the biggest gains for their side.

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Negotiating Skills: The Two Approaches

Possibly as a result of seeing the 1998 film The Negotiator, I associate the word with someone having specialist skills to be used only in dramatic situations such as high-level government meetings, talks between warring factions or employers and strikers, or the police trying to coax someone down from a high building. However we are all negotiators to some degree and we see people negotiating all the time, at work, in school and on television. Shows such as Deal or No Deal, where the banker tries to negotiate the purchase of the contestant's box and Bargain Hunt where contestants try to negotiate the best price for an item are examples.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Monday, August 16, 2010

Will 7 Be Lucky For Your Business?

PCs come with Windows. Unless you've been into IT for over fifteen years or have taken the time and expense to try a rival operating system (and very few of us have), the presence of Windows on a PC is as inevitable and unquestioned as the presence of a mouse or keyboard. But ought this mean that we take Windows for granted, that we stick unquestioningly to the operating system that has sat on our computers ever since the first day we turned them on?

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So What's All The Fuss About Windows 7 ?

This article takes a brief look at the background to the creation of Windows 7 and summarises some of it's main features. Microsoft brought forward the launch date of Windows 7 to October 2009 following relatively poor sales levels of Windows Vista. So much is expected of its latest operating system.

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Problem Solving And Decision Making

Why is it important to consider the process of problem solving and decision making? Why can't a person simply hear of an issue and pick the first solution that comes into his/her head? Problems arise continuously both in and out of the workplace. A person can make a snap decision without too much consideration of the problem. In some cases an incorrect decision will not have a drastic effect on their lives, but sometimes a quick decision without careful analysis can be disastrous for themselves and for others. Problem solving and decision making skills can be beneficial to all people in all walks of life as a way of minimising negative consequences and creating a positive, practical outcome. As your skills increase, the more competent and dexterous you will become. You will spend less time explaining why things went wrong and more time basking in praise from those around you!

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How To Conduct A Productive Meeting

Why are meetings so important? I once worked in a team of five people and the manager would often call up to three meetings a day. They would invariably end up wasting everyone's time with a load of irrelevant waffle and would rarely reach any valuable conclusions. It was almost as if he wanted to irritate us! Meetings are not simply time set aside for people to listen to themselves talk and bore their team members. A productive meeting is concise and reaches conclusions or finds solutions to the problem for which the meeting has been called. So how is this achieved?

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How To Plan Tasks In Project Management

When planning a project, breakdown all the work that needs to be completed into a list of tasks. This may be complicated or simple depending on the type of project and the number of people working on it. It is not a simple to-do list since there will often be many dependencies and priorities which need to be taken into account. How should a project manager go about planning tasks for a project?

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How To Estimate Time Required In Project Management

Usually the process of estimating the time required for a project begins with a simple to-do list. Everything that needs to be completed is broken down into individual tasks. To the untrained eye the project manager can now make an educated guess on the time it will take to complete the project and employees can begin working through the task list. In reality efficient project management and time estimation is and should be a little more complicated. What should a project manager consider when estimating the time required for tasks within a project?

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How To Set Up Internal Support Systems In Your Team

Internal support systems can include a variety of things and should be aimed at new starters as well as current team members. All employees whether new or old need support from time to time. Current team members may need support to develop new skills. New team members need support in order to integrate and become productive. Everyone knows how intimidating it can be to begin a new job meeting so many people and forgetting all the names straight away. As a team manager, how can you create support methods for all staff members to help them become or stay productive and content?

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The Basics Of Problem Solving In The Workplace

"Problem Solving" is something we do every day; we just usually call it "getting on with the job". It's not always easy at work (or at home), but it's the bigger problems that cause us to become unstuck as an employee, especially when they start to affect our colleagues, superiors or other members of our team.

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How To Make A Strategic Decision

When making decisions, it can be easy to make a snap judgement and run with it. This is perfectly valid and will sometimes work out just fine by pure pot luck. Sometimes however, this will lead to a trial and error approach. If you have not fully considered the problem and results of the decision then it may be that you have to re-assess later on. What things should you therefore include in your decision making process to help you make the correct strategic decision the first time round?

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Top Ten Tips For Facilitating Great Meetings

Not enough thought goes into facilitating meetings effectively in the business world. If they were very effective, we'd actually have less of them! Meetings should be a constructive process that a team looks forward to, not an awful, boring and unproductive waste of time. Organising a good one takes time, a bit of nous and a basic knowledge of how meetings and people should work. Here are the best ten tips to think about when arranging and planning your meeting.

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How Effective Delegation Can Help Your Business Flourish

Shirley is very proud to have built her business up from scratch. An IT consultancy producing bespoke solutions for small to medium sized organisations, her company has proved to be very successful, growing substantially over the past few years and working within an ever-expanding geographical area. However, this has created problems of its own; Shirley has been a very active entrepreneur, taking a decidedly hands-on approach whenever possible, always being available to solve problems and make key decisions. Yet the growth of the company has made it increasingly difficult to continue this approach.

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Managing Stress : From A Manager's Perspective

Stress in the workplace is now a commonly recognised problem, but many articles and much advice is always to the employee. What if you're a team manager or boss, having people report to you that they are stressed and need help? It's sometimes a difficult task to juggle the needs of the business with trying to "cut some slack" to help a stressed-out employee. On top of that, showing stress yourself or being negative about it can be viewed as hypocritical or a weakness in a manger. Help is on hand though - in the spirit of "keep calm and carry on", here's some ways that you can help yourself and your employees or team members to be that little bit less stressed.

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Three Hidden Causes Of Stress You Need To Consider At Work

When we talk about stress at work, people tend to think about it relating to their mental well being rather than their physical health. Stress can be physiological just as much as it is psychological. Many of us will attend to what's going on inside our heads to identify the causes of stress, when sometimes we ought to be looking at the wider picture. There are many schemes and help available at work to people who are stressed as a result of something in the workplace. Here are some that you may recognise, and some you might not - that may need acting upon to curb your own stress levels.

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Conducting An Appraisal? Things To Consider...

Appraisals (sometimes called performance reviews) have been going on for years in every workplace, but only now are they getting more and more formal in the way our performance is managed. Years ago, a pat on the back and "you're going a good job" complete with a pay rise, could be considered a good appraisal. In today's competitive business market, it's important to learn how to performance manage in a measurable way, bearing in mind other areas such as individual employee needs, extraneous circumstances and how goals differ in different job roles.

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How Old Dogs Learn New Tricks Via Mentoring

Mentoring is a challenging pastime, but it has advantages to the people involved and the company as a whole.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

How To Take Successful Minutes At A Meeting

When given the task of taking minutes, it may seem like a simple concept; write down what everyone says and then email it to them afterwards. It is however, a little more complex and taking minutes which do not fulfil their purpose can have serious consequences. Minutes are used for several reasons. It may be that people are required to undertake certain actions as a result of a meeting. These should be noted for future reference. It may be that some key issues were resolved or important points made that will be referred back to in the future.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Manage A Work Experience Kid

Having a work experience person can be a help or a hindrance and there are several things worth considering. It must be looked at as an opportunity beneficial for both parties. Someone will need to manage their time, more than a normal employee would be managed, but they may be able to help with some of the simpler tasks. It is inevitable that a work experience person will be given some of the menial tasks to do, partly because of their skill level and partly because of their status. It is however, very unfair to look upon them as a general dogsbody. They are not there to spend a week doing your menial, dull tasks. Instead, if you are prepared to take one into the working environment then you should attempt to enrich them as people as give them some new skills or at least allow them to use their talents to your advantage.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Friday, August 13, 2010

Use Scope Controls To Rule Out Missed Deadlines And Blown Budgets

At times even the best laid project management plans may not include provision for changes that need to be made, which motivates many team leaders to ensure there is a process to cope with unexpected changes.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

The Importance Of Lessons Learned Sessions In Project Management

Picture the scenario; a project is successfully completed, but as with any project there have been some hiccups along the way. The team move on to the next project which may involve all or some of the same people and for this project the same mistakes are made again. I've seen it happen! Once a project is completed, a team must recognise the importance of looking at the mistakes that were made, the problems that were encountered and the solutions that fixed the issues. When issues are identified and thoroughly examined in an objective way, a team can learn from past mistakes and prevent the same things from happening again thus improving performance. So how is the best way to go about creating a productive lessons learned session?

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Virtual Project Management - The Whole World In Your Hands

One of the most vital elements of project management is being able to effectively communicate with your team. If your band of brothers are scattered, the art of communication becomes even more crucial. Many Project Managers are under the illusion that a distributed team begs for a costly 'bells and lights' zillion pound video conferencing system to keep tuned into the progress of every member but this couldn't be further from the truth. Many project managers work effectively using free or low cost forms of communication. This article examines some of those methods.

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Project Management - Recover Your Losses By Saving Your Data

This article explains how to deal with every Project Manager's worst nightmare - project deliverables not being met due to the unforeseeable loss of vital project data due to an act of God - a power cut, corrupted project files, hardware failure, a virus attack or simply shutting down your PC without saving your project which can mean hours of time dissipating into oblivion. There can be nothing more frustrating or upsetting for team members than weeks or even months of work being wiped away from their hard drive in just a few moments... luckily, a PCs memory is much better than ours so you may be surprised that it can still be recalled even if it is suffering from PC amnesia.

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Have You Got What It Takes To Become A Project Manager?

A career in project management can be a difficult one to break into as the job involves many unsuspecting hurdles along the way, all unique in their complexities and all requiring a tailor made resolution. Depending on your previous experience and background, these challenges can be tackled astutely or rumble out of control. So which type of people will struggle with the demands of project management?

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How To Manage A Redundancy

In current times there is a real fear and necessity of redundancy. When this unpleasant occurrence happens, how can you ensure you adhere to regulations? More than, how can you handle the situation with honesty and sensitivity? This article discusses some of the dos and don'ts of redundancy.

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How To Manage Pregnancy In The UK Workplace

A pregnant woman is still entitled to do her job. It may be that some allowances have to be made if they endanger the unborn child and as a manager you will need to accommodate such things. If for example her job involves lifting heavy boxes then this could be an issue. Either this part of the job will need to be done by somebody else or some kind of equipment will be necessary to help her lift.

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How To Motivate Your Staff

Why is it important as a manager to consider motivation? After all, you pay staff to complete a set of tasks, which they already do very well. Employees are there to work. You can give them the same job to do every day and they will do it to your satisfaction almost as a matter of routine. Motivate them properly however and you will have successful, happy staff exceeding your expectations. Motivation is about giving people energy so they approach their work each day feeling fresh, interested and valuable. Instead of leaving when they need a new challenge, they will stay and continue to enrich the company with their experience both old and new. Productivity will increase as they enjoy their jobs, strive to impress you and take on more responsibility. A manager should therefore carefully consider how to keep the workforce motivated as it in the best interests of the employees and the company.

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How To Use Appraisals And Objectives Effectively

Appraisal is a method of assessing performance and setting goals for future development. The format of appraisals should be a set of questions, followed by a list of objectives agreed upon together. As a manager you can add your own observations, although these should always be in the form of positive feedback. Questions relating to where the employee sees themselves within the team and company both now and in the future are advisable in order to create an action plan you are both happy with. It should be a chance for them to give you their input. He/she should be asked if there are any areas in which they feel they can improve. This should then be used as a positive opportunity for you to help them improve in those areas by training etc and never as an opportunity for attack or accusations.

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How To Successfully Manage A Team Remotely

Managing teams remotely is more common, not only in companies with global teams spread across the continent, but with more flexible working scenarios for employees generally. When managing a team remotely, it is vital to consider a range of factors and pitfalls to ensure a productive team as opposed to a set of dispersed individuals. As a manager you must ensure that all members feels they are still being managed without being able to see them every day or maybe even every week. How is this possible?

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How To Be Persuasive Not Pushy

Good influencing skills are rooted in making suggestions that benefit both yourself and the person you wish to come on board with your plans and project idea.

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Unlocking The Communication Code Of Body Language

There is a common statistic bandied around when it comes to communication: only 7% of it is verbal. The rest relies on body language, intonation and other visual clues as to how you are feeling and thinking in the presence of others. Another statistic: we form a first impression of someone in the first two seconds of meeting them. That's how quick the human race is at judging each other, regardless of whether we care to admit it or not. It is an internal process that we cannot help or control.

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Assertiveness: Don't Just Say No

I have a friend who recently set up a bookkeeping firm. She was doing well but, like most businesses, she had a problem with a late payer. She told me that she didn't want to come on too heavy to him in asking for payment, as she didn't want to upset him and lose his custom. She continued to do his books while making half-hearted requests for payment until he disappeared into the sunset without paying a penny. So in the end she lost the customer and the money, anyway - a far worse outcome than had she been more assertive at the outset.

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Show Your Skills With Assertiveness Training

To thrive as a member of a strong team it will be necessary at some point to voice your opinions and add your expertise to the group.

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Say No To Be At Your Own Beck And Call

Being at the beck and call of others is a sure-fire way of getting a reputation for being a hardworking employee who is devoted to their company, but over time this may start to take its toll.

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Making The Most Of Your Time

Every company relies on managing valuable resources so as to optimise productivity and profit. A paper manufacturer needs a reliable source of wood and a fishmonger needs fish. An investment bank must have a dependable source of capable stockmarket traders. There are also some resources that every company needs; most visibly and tangibly, any business needs capital. Less obviously, though just as critically, every enterprise, every organisation, every scheme or project, however large or small, all need something that is perennially in limited supply, something that cannot be replaced once it is used up. We all need time.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Managing Change From Employee To Freelancer

The number of freelance professionals working successfully from home is on the increase. This is because freelancing gives them the freedom to build up their own client base and work the hours which suits them. There are some professions which work well on a freelance basis such as web design, writing, consultancy and administration. However, competition can be rife and in many cases, freelancers will find themselves being undercut by individuals in less affluent countries who will agree to do the work for far less than a UK citizen could possibly compete with.

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Managing Change - Strong Leadership Required

I recently read an autobiographical book by the late Keith Waterhouse in which he details his early experiences as a journalist for the Daily Mirror. Among the photos in the book is a shot of reporters at work in the busy features office and, needless to say, the office of Mr Waterhouse's youth bears little resemblance to the 'work station' of today.

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How To Innovate Your Firm And Embrace Change

Updating the ways in which your company operates helps give it the cutting edge but transitions may not be immediately welcomed by your colleagues.

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How To Manage Change Effectively In The Workplace

Employees rarely enjoy change, but in a modern world it is inevitable. We must change as a reaction to the changes of an outside entity or as a way of improving a business. A team that is not fluid and open to change, new products and new procedures is a team that will be the downfall of a business. It is important to recognise that changes can not be implemented by sending a group email to your staff and hoping for the best. Changes may affect an employee's work life and possibly their personal life, (for example, a location change,) and should be dealt with thoroughly and sensitively. A manager must ensure that change is accepted and implemented by a confident and competent workforce. This means that staff must be aware of the change and the reasons behind it as well as fully informed and trained on what the change means to them. Remember, change must always increase your team's confidence in you as a manager rather than bringing your abilities as a manager into question, thus creating unrest and a lack of trust.

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Managing Change: From The Tiny To The Tremendous

As a wise man once said "nothing is constant except change". Learning to manage it is another thing, as most people are surprisingly resistant to any kind of break from the norm. In a typical job with set tasks and hours, it's hard to manage a significant change in workload or job balance - and even if you work in a fast paced, forever changing environment - how it affects others is worth taking note of.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Look After The Minutes And The Hours Will Look After Themselves

Many of us save our loose change in some receptacle or other, often one of those oversized whisky bottles. When this receptacle has been filled to what looks like a decent level we take the contents of our change bank to the supermarket machine for weighing in and we are usually pleasantly surprised at just how much that bottle full of copper was worth. This is a good demonstration of the way in which many small individual parts make up a large whole.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Five Time-Eating Traps At Work

Are you always the last person to leave the office, frantically trying to finish your workload, even though you arrived at the same time as everyone else? Does time seem to fly faster for you than for your colleagues in the office, with a mantra of "oh my goodness, is that the time already?". Even the best, most organised people can fall into one of many time-eating traps, and here are five of the worst that you should avoid:

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Free Up More Of Your Time By Multitasking

There's the old joke that women are better at multitasking than men, but whether this is true or not, we can all develop our skills to do more things in less time. I know many of you will be thinking "but I squeeze everything into every minute! There can't possibly be any more time to free up". Not true! Multitasking is a skill that has to be learned like any other, and you can improve at it and make yourself much more efficient - not just at work, but in other parts of your life. There's a process to follow that first helps you identify areas where you could improve your multitasking, and some activities that can be combined that perhaps you hadn't through of.

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Time Management - The 'not To Do' List

Do you find yourself constantly doing the same tasks over and over again? Have you created a 'to do' list which is becoming longer as the weeks unfold and preventing you from actually achieving anything worthwhile during the day? The primary objective of a 'to do' list is to help you to manage time effectively so as you can complete those menial chores quickly and move forward with other projects and plans.

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An Environmentally Friendly Office Can Save Time And Money

Becoming environmentally friendly is the new 'way to go' and is sweeping the globe at a phenomenal rate. The entire world seems to be dedicated to going green. More and more of us are taking responsibility for our carbon footprint and are constantly looking for ways to reduce the drain on our depleting environment.

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Dump The Junk With Email Management

Emails are fast becoming one of the most popular ways of corresponding with colleagues and managers, which can lead to packed inboxes featuring messages that risk never being read or responded to.

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Time Management And The Daily Commute To Work

Recent studies from the RAC show that British workers have the longest and most tedious journeys to work every day. In comparison to many other countries, the English have the longest trudge to work than anyone else in the European Union. It is estimated that our average journey from A to B takes approximately 45 minutes which is almost seven minutes longer than the combined European average and almost twice longer than our Italian counterparts.

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The Multi Skills That Make Good Time Management

Time management skills are an important part of the working day in the busy office. The ability to maximise productivity through careful management of the time available is a sought-after skill in the demanding office environment of today. But when you look at it closely, time management is really an amalgamation of other business skills. The following are some of those skills that help in creating effective time management.

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The Importance Of Multi-Tasking In Time Management

There is one school of thought in time management training that will say that one task needs to be done at a time. This is so the person can give full focus and attention to the task and finish it to a high standard. I am certainly not arguing with that! Many people believe that multi-tasking is just not possible. There is however, a place for multi-tasking when it is appropriate. It is not about trying to complete two complex tasks at the same time, but more about fitting two simpler tasks around each other.

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How To Prevent Other People Impacting Your Time Management

There are many different methods of effective time management. Once you have a diary to schedule your day and tasks, began setting goals and milestones, stopped all distractions and learned how to prioritise work, things should feel under control and manageable. One problem is that your carefully laid plans can be disrupted by the actions of other people often unintentionally. How do other people affect our time management and how can we better take account of this in the planning stage to minimise the negative effects?

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A Matter Of Priority

Many workplaces are home to those disorganised employees who jump from job to job like a blue tit on a branch. The half-written report is left as the blue tit hops across the desk to make a phone call, then hops back and minimises the report because the person on the phone has asked the whereabouts of his email. One thing leads to another and his whole day is spent trying to keep on top of the mounting pile of jobs. Then at the end of the day our feathered friend has to explain to his boss (a rather stern-looking owl) why the report was not delivered on time. Such bad time management is a waste of energy and effort and, ultimately, money.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Monday, August 09, 2010

How We Managed Without Office

Now that the nights are drawing in and we are into the season of Halloween, let us embark on a journey into the world of the horror film - all in the name of Microsoft training, of course.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Going That Extra Mile With Office 2007

You might think that you already know all there is to know about Office 2003: you can use PowerPoint to create outstanding presentations, Word takes care of all of your day-to-day documents and Outlook is the best program to send and receive emails. So why bother finding out about Office 2007?

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

A Merry Christmas From Microsoft Office

Beneath the Christmas tree there is a bumper crop of presents from the various applications of Microsoft Office, all of which come in matching wrapping paper that is emblazoned with our old favourite Clippit in a Santa beard. So let's get opening.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Ho Ho Ho It's The Office Christmas Quiz

'Tis the season to be jolly so take a break and have a go at this fun quiz that is based on articles on Microsoft Office applications I have written over the past months.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Stay In The Loop With VBA

What is the difference between a recorded macro in Microsoft Excel and a VBA written procedure? The answer-None, as all Excel is doing when you record a macro is translate each keystroke or mouse click to VBA. There are a few operations that cannot be recorded in a Macro. The first is that a Macro cannot stop to accept user input, like a dialog box, input box or message box. Secondly, a recorded macro starts executing the VBA code in the procedure line by line until it reaches the end. It cannot perform a loop and re-execute the same code again. It's these loops that we will examine in this article.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

VBA For Beginners - Only A Script Away From Endless Possibilities...

VBA is an abbreviation of Visual Basic for Applications. It is a valuable programming language which is perfect for beginners who want a no hassle approach to programming.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Saturday, August 07, 2010

A Defining Moment For Dreamweaver

So you want to create the perfect website, one that everyone will flock to and will increase your reputation and profit tenfold. You have the substance; you just need to get the style spot on. If you are a complete computer wiz then no doubt your intricate knowledge of HTML and CSS means that you can put all the tiny building blocks into place yourself. For the rest of us mere mortals there is Adobe Dreamweaver, the premier web design tool for business.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Making Your Business Look Its Best With Dreamweaver

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, web pages were simple. They described things. They illustrated them in a basic fashion with, (from the mid-90s onwards) the odd image to liven matters up. There was little to aim for in producing a site for a company beyond clarity and user-friendliness; little to add to the site beyond what was really necessary to ensure that the buyer understood what they were getting and why they'd be better off getting it from one company rather than another.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

A Few Tips On Minute Taking

There are times in all our lives when we happily volunteer our services in order to help a cause. In the church hall this may be as a jumble sale assistant, on the football field it may be as a stand-in linesman and at a meeting it may be as a minute taker. On the face of it these are all jobs that can be performed to an acceptable standard by the virtual layman with a basic knowledge of the subject. As far as minute taking goes, however, it is not a task to be taken on lightly with a smile and a cry of 'go on then, I'll give it a bash'.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Helpful Hints For Masterful Minute Taking

We're all familiar with meetings, part of the regular cycle of working life. Many will have been unfortunate enough to work for an organisation that sees meetings as nothing more than an enforced banality, coming around as regularly as an unwelcome relative whom nobody feels they can turn away. But others will have instead been part of a more positively and proactively managed business, with an emphasis on well-run, efficient and effective meetings, meetings in which important decisions are made, all concerned make a significant contribution, and proposals and issues are able to be raised in the confidence that they will be fairly addressed.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Friday, August 06, 2010

Are You Ready For Microsoft Office Web Applications?

It's fair to say that only a very small percentage of the population have the confidence to buy a new product or sample a new service before anyone else has decided to part with their cash. In the marketing world it's a recognised fact that there may be different stages of acceptance of new products and different types of users who adopt new ideas at different stages of a product's lifecycle.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Learning To Love The Ribbon In Office

Whether you are new to using Microsoft Office 2007 or an expert, for some, learning to love the Ribbon is a bit like learning to love a trip to the dentist. At first you probably want to postpone the experience, but once you sit back and realise how painless it is, you'll wish you'd done it sooner. If using the Ribbon seems just too cumbersome and scary to contemplate, ask yourself if it's only the fear of the unknown rather than embracing a new experience that's putting you off.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Living The High Life, Thanks To MS Office?

Microsoft Office can help with many things that are vital for students. Things such as partying, sleeping, relaxing, having fun, meeting people, watching movies, more partying... okay, perhaps Office can't exactly do all that for you. It can't buy the next round, make you the life of the party, or stop anything from waking you up before eleven. If your student experience requires a little bit of the high life however, then Office can save you the time you need to do what you really want to. Or, possibly, even go to lectures once in a while.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Office: A Trio Of Top Tricks

It's Halloween. I sit alone in my living room with the curtains drawn and the lights out. I am not getting into the spirit of things, though, I just want those pesky trick or treaters to think there's nobody home. Instead I will pass on to you some choice tricks from the vast and varied world of Microsoft Office applications.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Hunting Out Those Hidden Easter Eggs In Microsoft Office

It may seem unusual writing an article about Easter eggs as we embark on the run up to Christmas but I am not talking about those chocolate goodies given out in the spring. The Easter eggs I refer to are little surprises that lie hidden within various computer programmes, including Microsoft Office. I assume they get their name from the Easter pastime of egg hunting, where pleasant surprises are to be found if searched for. There are many Easter eggs out there, from erratic computer responses to complete games, including a flight simulator and pinball, although as this is a training website, my lips are sealed as to where they are hidden.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

So What Are The Common Features In Office 2007 Applications?

You may have started to use one or more Office 2007 application or are considering doing so. Each version of Office promises more common features between the applications - so what's the state of play with Office 2007 you may wonder? This article summarises what's common between the applications.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Working With The Message Bar In Office 2007

The Microsoft Office 2007 Message Bar displays security alerts, workflow tasks, server document information and policy messages. The Message Bar appears by default to provide you with this important information. You can hide the Message Bar and then view it later.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How Office 2007 Protects You From Phishing

Many of us have been victims of Phishing - a technique used by criminals in an online situation which results in you disclosing your personal information. I remember receiving an online reminder message from what I understood to be a legitimate source requesting that I update my bank details. I started to key in my personal information including my bank account number, (not even questioning why my bank did not have this information), sort code and was just about to divulge my password, when I became frustrated with the effort. I abandoned the rest of the request, but not because I was being vigilant. The reason I did not disclose any more confidential information was due to my impatience at having to supply information I thought was obvious. It wasn't until a few days later I realised I had - nearly - been the victim of a phishing scam.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Trust Me - I Have Office

One of the most reassuring advancements in Microsoft Office is how the program has been developed to help keep your documents safe and your computer healthy.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team