Tuesday, October 27, 2009

5 Points For Perfecting Presentation Preparation

You've worked hard on that first presentation; really putting yourself out to make it as professional as possible. However, all the effort that went into creating perfect pie-charts, brilliant bar graphs and supreme scatter plots could count for nothing if you reveal yourself to be a panic-stricken presenter.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Enhancing The Educational Experience With PowerPoint

The blackboard sits neglected, chalkdust spread in a disinterested circle, not quite reaching the corners, no longer disturbed by the passing of words and numbers, lessons untaught and equations unsolved.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Not Such A Hard Day At The Office

The office of the 1980s was a far cry from those of today. For one thing, it was common to see workers smoking at their desks, something that would be unthinkable in this age of health and safety consciousness. In a busy office, the bells of corded telephones would ring ring for attention, while Telex machines would chug away, typing out messages that would later be sent in an instant via email.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Learn About Taking Minutes - In Minutes

Meetings are one of the unavoidable processes of business. We've all arranged them, held them, attended them, and no doubt sometimes wished they didn't exist. Without minutes being taken, they would be one of the least productive processes of business, too. At any given point in your professional life, it's likely you're going to have to take minutes at a meeting. It needn't be daunting, and it's an easy skill to learn. Here's how to make the process painless, professional, and productive.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Six Productivity Tips For Time Management

We have all heard people say that there aren't enough hours in the day when they are going through a particularly hectic time at work, or they have been so busy that they don't know where the day has gone. Unfortunately we cannot control time; the hours between nine and five are exactly the same every day. However, if we manage the time we do have more efficiently, then we can squeeze a lot more productivity into each day.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team

The Quirky Keyboard

As children grow up they have to face quite a few disappointments in life. They learn that pixies, the tooth fairy, and that other guy in the red suit don't exist. They discover that green vegetables are not merely a garnish; and they encounter the QWERTY keyboard.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team