Thursday, July 28, 2011

Visio: The Perfect Project Partner For All Your Office Diagrams

Using symbols in a presentation is always a handy way to cut down on the wordage. But often we insert symbols without really considering how they will be interpreted by different audiences. What is an up arrow meant to indicate in a PowerPoint presentation? Does it mean a rise in something? Or does it refer back to the previous point in the presentation? And then there are bullet points in Word documents. Do these give an indication of importance in descending order if they're numbered? Or is each idea equal if represented with colourful diamonds?

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Using AutoConnect And Applying Themes In Visio

Microsoft Visio can quickly produce visually stunning flowcharts that are clear to understand and well laid out. The whole effect can be further enhanced by the addition of themes for colour co-ordination throughout. The process of laying out a flowchart using Visio may be a modern-day method of demonstrating a process or an algorithm, but the flowchart has a history that begins long before the computer age.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Let Visio Help You Keep Your Business Running As Smoothly As Possible

A first-rate IT department is essential to Somes Publishing - an unglamorous essential, perhaps, but essential nonetheless, the arteries and veins to the heart and lungs of journalism and design. At least, that's how Meg and her team in the department would like to think of it, rather than being perennially overlooked by the creatives upstairs. Nonetheless, Meg knows that - whatever anyone thinks - the company would fall apart without an effective and reliable IT set-up. Certainly, there was a time when a publisher like Somes would have little or no need for technology, but as time has gone on the role of IT has grown apace, becoming a vital part of any business that looks to move forward.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Use Visio To Plan Your Office

A few years ago when I started a new job with a local PR firm, I had to share a desk for the first few days. Then, thanks to one of those community websites where goods that are no longer wanted by the owners are offered free to others, I got myself a huge beech-finished desk with solid metal legs and two drawers - free gratis. I was delighted.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Create A Network Diagram In Visio

You could loosely refer to Microsoft Visio as 'that program for making diagrams' and while technically correct, the versatility of Visio makes it a must have application with the power to create all manner of designs. There are literally thousands of shapes and over sixty templates in Visio 2007, so if it's in your mind, the chances are it's also in Visio.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Make Perfect Alignments With Snap To Guides And Gridlines In Visio

As sharp as the human eye is, it has no built-in guides to transmit information to the brain precise details, such as when something is exactly level, a drawn line is perfectly straight, or a circle perfectly round. The man who makes repeated slight adjustments to a picture hanging on a wall is an ideal illustration of the fact that we need artificial aids to help us to be precise. A ruler and a pair of compasses will let us draw straight lines and perfectly round circles, while a spirit level and pencil would see that picture hung on a perfect horizontal.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Deal With A Light Fingered Employee

Suspecting that one of your employees is stealing is a difficult situation to deal with. Whether the Artful Dodger has been participating in some small time petty theft such as dipping into the office supplies or sneaking out confidential office paperwork, accusing a member of staff of dishonesty can cause a lot of upset and awkwardness.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Keynote, The Mac Answer For Perfect Presentations

Mac users ended up that way for a reason; they know that their machines are that much easier, quicker and more pleasant to use than the everyday PC. And once upon a time, that decision was final; you embarked down the PC or Mac route and could never switch over. The software was so distinct and incompatible that, when it came time to upgrade your computer, moving from a PC to a Mac or vice versa would mean both losing all your existing work and learning to use a whole new array of software.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

InfoPath's Ideal Solutions For Information Issues

Information matters. Whatever your line of business, whatever kind of information you might need to accumulate - sales, expenditure, client details, customer preferences, financial arrangements, supply of resources, anything that's important to the progress of your business - it's essential that you're able to accumulate and maintain that data.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Some Common Niggles In Microsoft Office

I had some good news recently when I was informed that an article I submitted to a competition had won first prize. In the notifying email the judges said of my efforts, "We loved your observational humour". I was delighted at this, as observational humour can be difficult to get right. In an episode of The Simpsons, Krusty the Clown's attempt at trendy observational humour bombed.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

When Active Is Better Than Passive

Our brains react to nouns and verbs in different ways, and it's now thought that this is because we actually use different parts of our brain when we learn about nouns and verbs. This could explain why children learn nouns before verbs, and adults also perform better and react faster to nouns during cognitive tests. Our brains are also about three times larger than those of our ancestors that lived 2-4 million years ago. Just how did our brains get so big? Well, it seems that thinking about word formation has a lot to do with brain growth.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Keeping On Top Of The Contents Of Your Outlook Inbox

If I was to make a comparison between a window box and an email inbox, the connection may not be immediately apparent, but the two items do have one thing in common: in order to get the most out of them, you must keep on top of their contents with regular attention and maintenance.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Adopt Time Saving Measures As Part Of Your Daily Routine

As utility companies recently announced another rise in fuel prices I was pleased to reflect that I adopted several money-saving measures some time ago. These were not drastic acts that saw me writing by candlelight, just a few minor lifestyle changes that would cut down on my consumption. The changes were minor: I fitted low energy light bulbs, I only fill the kettle with as much water as is required, and I make sure that electrical appliances are not left on standby overnight. I might not see a huge difference in my quarterly fuel bills, but at least I know that I am doing what I can to keep my electricity charges as low as possible.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Monday, July 25, 2011

A New Website For Your Business, The Affordable And Easy Way

It's not unusual for small or medium-sized businesses either to not have a website, or to only have a very basic, simple online presence, the odd bit of information on a single, plain page. If that's true of your company, then you're certainly not in a unique situation - many of your rivals may be in the same boat, so it would be fair to say that you're not falling behind them by not having a better website.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Secure Your Business With Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

For many bosses and administrators Microsoft Exchange Server is an absolute godsend. It is a way of enabling a level of security and control over a sphere - technological communications - which is notoriously intangible and elusive. How many of us have sent an inadvisable email or a message to the wrong person? How vital now are electronic communications in investigating internal disputes and in major legal suits? The immediate nature of sending an email can have repercussions for all of us whether we are acting out of the best intentions or not and in any type of organisation there needs to be a method of guarding against such potentially inflammatory communication.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Giving The Customer Input With Dreamweaver

Gone are the days when websites were just information boards for clients and customers to passively stare at. Interactivity is now the name of the game and if your site doesn't make your visitors feel special and appreciated then you can bet that they won't come back. Networking and feedback features are a must to ensure your visitor feels like they are also a contributor but for too long creating this opportunity has been a real headache for the budding web designer.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Use The New Total Feature In Microsoft Access 2007/10

Microsoft Access 2007/2010 both have the new and very welcome Totals feature available in tables and queries. This article describes how to use this feature effectively, particularly in queries, where you can now easily display how many records meet query criteria in additional to listing the records.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Protect Sensitive Access Databases With A Password

There is a certain irony that, amidst the current furore over the illegal hacking of phones, the queen unveiled a memorial to a select group of people who used their hacking skills for the good of the nation, and whose efforts are generally considered to have shortened the Second World War by as much as two years.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Professional And Management. The Characters You Can Expect To Find At A Business Meeting

It is often difficult to analyse the character of someone until you have been in their presence for quite a while and have noted their behaviour in a variety of situations. Therefore, it can be quite an eye-opener to discover what your work colleagues are really like when their true personalities shine through. We all have our own unique image but it is what lies beneath this exterior which determines how people respond towards us and vice-versa.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Conduct A Successful Meeting With Careful Preparation

When fuel prices hit a record high, the darts team at the Pig & Whistle called an emergency meeting to discuss ways of increasing revenue to cover the extra cost of transporting them to their away fixtures. The chairman wanted to hold a civilised meeting with a proper agenda but the rank and file had other ideas. Only five minutes into the meting it was announced that the bar was open and a scramble to the serving hatch ensued.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Easy Tips For Getting To Grips With Photo-Manipulation

We all, now and again, try to improve the appearance of something - or, frequently, of ourselves - to make a better impression. It could be as simple as wearing newer and more fashionable clothes, or taking extra care with our hair. It could be hunting out every last stray crumb in the back seat of a car for sale to make it more appealing to buyers. Or it could be an image of an unusually plump, upright and enticing burger on a leaflet sent out by a local late-night takeaway. In each case, the enhancement isn't in a lie, there's no attempt to con anyone into seeing something that isn't there - rather, the intention is to make the very best of what's there, promoting the positives and hiding the negatives. What we're creating is an idealised visual impact.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Make A Custom Sort List In Excel

One of the less well known Hollywood film companies has decided to lift a novel from the printed page to the silver screen. The book, The Cereal Killer, by Fran Blake, is a whodunit in which people are bumped off after they find a small silver dagger in their corn flakes. But who will play the leading role of the murderess?

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Avoid Duplication In Excel By Ensuring Unique Values

Billy has just bought a job lot of hundreds of ex-rental films on DVD with the intention of starting up a DVD rental business of his own. His first, rather laborious task is to log all of the titles in an Excel spreadsheet. As the DVDs are ex-rental, they already have numbered stickers on them and so Billy decides to log the titles using these existing numbers. This makes sense, as it will save him the trouble of renumbering the entire stock and putting new stickers onto each disc, with a corresponding one on each box.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Birth Of A Project: Why Your Projects Need An Auspicious Beginning

A project always has a purpose. There's not really much point in making the effort otherwise; there needs to be a goal at the end, a point to reach and a positive result to glean from it. But every road has its beginning, every journey its first steps, and the longed-for end to the project will stay forever out of reach without the solid foundations of an auspicious beginning.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Keeping Your Access Database Updated

An advantage to operating virtual databases is that they can be updated at the touch of a button, and there are different techniques you're able to use to make sure that the documents are current.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Font In Word

As a freelance writer I look into opportunities in a variety of formats that I think I may be able to achieve some success, including short stories, poetry and scripts. In the last of these, the submission guidelines will often demand that the script be typed in 12 point Courier font.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Beating Procrastination And Other Time Bandits

Our old friend procrastination is quite clearly the enemy of efficient time management as these definitions show:

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How Excel Can Transform All Of Your Office Documents

Our brains are pretty impressive things. They're capable of understanding concepts and situations with every one of our senses; if we close our eyes, or put fingers in our ears, or hold our noses, we're still very capable of discerning a great deal of information about the circumstances we find ourselves in. However, the human brain has evolved to turn first to what we see when assessing a situation - a survival skill that helped our ancestors spot the difference immediately between safety and danger, between the harmless antelope and the deadly lion, and to react accordingly.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why You Should Learn The Basics Of Finance At Work

In business, finance or accountancy is maligned as "boring", but if we think about our own bank accounts, savings and investments, money suddenly becomes a lot more interesting! It's easier to dismiss our employer's money - except the payslip that arrives every month - because it's not our own, so we have less motivation to understand what's going on in the bowels of the businesses' finances. However, learning about finance not only helps the company you work for (especially if it's your own), but it can improve your skills in many different directions, making you an all-round better employee.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Simple Ways Of Improving Your Business Cash Flow

Sometimes you just can't predict your cash flow, even if you have an accurate forecast from your finance department. In some sectors, such as retail, there are often nuances that cause a boom or a bust in customer figures, and sometimes we have no idea why.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Make Access 2010 Databases Compatible With Access 2007

So you have downloaded the lovely shiny new 2010 version of the Microsoft Office suite and you are raring to get going on one of its key programs: Access. You are itching to use new sophisticated macros, share and collaborate online with the incredible interactivity of SharePoint server and generally create the sexiest looking databases that you possibly can.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Create A Cash Flow Forecast For Your Project

In day to day life we all have to carefully monitor our incomes and expenditure and negotiate the challenging balance between the two. If we do not have a reliable flow of cash to cover our outgoings then we can get embroiled in a cycle of borrowing and debt which can lead all too rapidly to financial disaster.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Three Methods Of Technology-savvy Time Management

The tried and tested 'to do' list, whether it's stuck on a sticky note on the fridge or scribbled in the back of your diary - is hard to beat for traditional time management. However, technology is helping us move on from traditional methods in every walk of life, so why not use it to your advantage when planning your time? Here are three ways you can convert from old-school style time management tools, to bring yourself up to date:

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Prepare Your Company For A Training Session

The small details are often overlooked when you book a training course for your company, because the presumption isn't always that training is a two-way street. You have to prepare your premises, staff and time effectively to get the best out of training - it's not all up to the provider! Here are the steps you should take to prime yourself for receiving a training course at your own office or place of work:

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How Keeping Control Of Key Information Can Mean Taking Control Of Your Future

Information is vital. No business should expect to prosper without keeping on top of all of their data and accumulated knowledge. Whether prosaic details, such as invoices and past accounts, or something more complex and detailed, reports or studies, or communications, it's critical that all information remains easily accessible for whenever it may be needed. Those who keep control of their information keep control of their business.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Help Business To Go Global With Shared Databases

Technology has allowed businesses to be mobile by operating from many different locations, while still collaborating.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

MS Project 2010 - Making Your Projects Run Smoother Than Ever

Many project managers will know that the job is made easier and runs more smoothly with the use of specialist software - and the most popular and best-known is the aptly named Microsoft Project. Since its initial launch in 1984, it has offered an ever-expanding range of project management tools for any project large or small. As Project has become more sophisticated, it hasn't become any more complex to use, allowing anyone from experienced project managers to individuals working alone on their first tasks (or even those planning projects at the home rather than in business) can get the most from the software and their work.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

What's New In Project 2010?

With Office 2010 upon us, many businesses and their project managers are looking to upgrade from Project 2007. Here's an investigation into the benefits, improvements and changes that are part of the new rollout.

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Tools To Keep You On Track With MS Project

If you're an intermediate to advanced user of project, you need to learn and recognise your project's "vital signs". As soon as they start to look unhealthy, you're in danger of your project derailing and spiralling into disorganisation. Yes, it can happen - because even with the best project management software in the world, with the best data entry there is: if you ignore the danger signs, human error is not always correctable with a few clicks.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

What's Happening Backstage With Microsoft Office 2010

The Office Button was introduced across the suite of Office applications to house the commands most commonly used. However, as the suite was rolled out, users expressed concerns about how difficult it was to find, use and understand the vast feature set. And as the menus, toolbars and task panes became more and more populated, users just couldn't find what they were looking for. The User Interface concepts had been designed for much simpler programs, and could no longer handle the volume of commands in the Office applications.

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The Microsoft EPM (Enterprise Project Management) And How It Can Help You

If you're part of a business that needs to share information a lot among users of Project, you should seriously think about implementing a system to do it. The Enterprise Project Management system allows any team member access and sharing rights across the whole business - from the executives to the accountants and so on. If you're all using Project, it makes sense to share your data to keep the business running smoothly and on track.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Now It's Time To Get Creative With The Ribbon

"It's your workspace, and it's your Ribbon" - announced Microsoft. And now you can take control of that workspace and change it to how you need it to work for you.

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Is Office 2010 The Most Accessible Version Yet?

Every year, 2% of the UK working population become disabled. There are approximately 10 million disabled people in the UK who are covered by the Disability Discrimination Act - representing around 18% of the population. A disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment which has substantial and long term adverse effects on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

It's Even Easier To Get A Handle On Cropping

It's an unavoidable fact that all photographs have one major, universal restriction: every picture is limited to having four borders. And within these borders the photographer has to convey their impression of what they see that has inspired them to take the picture.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Keep A Timely Team With Gantts And Timelines

As projects develop there are likely to be many people that need to be kept in the know regarding its progression.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Who Are The Main Stakeholders In Microsoft Project?

Costs Are Easier To Control With MS Project

Given a major project to work on, with money no obstacle, I'm sure that any one of us could come up with something hugely impressive. Unfortunately, money inevitably does provide a obstacle, and a rather substantial one at that. Whatever kind of project you're working on, in whatever kind of business or for whatever kind of purpose, understanding the costs and keeping them under control is always absolutely critical.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Do You Know The Price For Illegal Image Use?

Nearly 85 per cent of all images used on the internet are not licensed. Whether this comes as a surprise or not, it shows that some of us are using images illegally and may face a costly fine if found out.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Make Friends With Social Networking Sites

Some firms may see social networking sites as the bane of their workplaces, but these days it's increasingly common to combine them with project management.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Modernising Your Website Is Easy With Expression Web

Presentation is everything in the online world. You've on average a few seconds to convince, and the audience you're trying to persuade will likely have been through many different pages before lighting upon yours. Your page needs to be distinctive, it needs to be clear in its purpose, it needs to suit that purpose (insofar as a veterinary surgeon would need a rather different style to a children's entertainer) and it needs to be professional and engaging. There's a lot to do, and it's no surprise that some sites come to dominate the market as few conventional businesses ever have, while others sink without trace.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Safer, Quicker, Cheaper - How Exchange Server Can Transform Your Business

We're all now familiar with the raft of new communication technologies that have come along in the past ten or fifteen years. We can sit in our offices or at home and stay in touch with key business contacts, clients, customers and colleagues in many instantaneous ways. But what about when we're on the move?

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Microsoft Project Professional At A Glance

Any project manager worth their salt will already know that the latest edition of Microsoft Project is an essential tool for them to carry out their duties effectively. A less clear cut issue is exactly which version, standard or professional, they should opt for.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Become The Hunterer And Gatherer Of Your Office And Take A Leaf From Your Ancestors...

Browsing through the history books, it is hard to envisage our Stone Age ancestors suffering from heart disease, insomnia or depression even though times were undoubtedly tough especially when it came to fighting off some pretty fierce animals and finding shelter. You would think that in today's modern world, life would be a lot easier in comparison and we would be winging it to the director's chair. Instead, we are more likely to be winging it to A and E!

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Are You Sitting Comfortably? Effective Workspace Tricks

Many workplaces have fallen foul to inefficient office/workspace design that leaves staff feeling alienated and unsure of their newer surroundings.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Can Office Really Save You 17 Days A Year?

As many small businesses look to save costs and resources, reviewing how many home workers they use is sometimes the first step to realising a more flexible, happier and productive environment. For some organisations, it's the easier way to keep their headcounts and their recruitment costs to a minimum.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How Office Can Help Your Work Make The Best Possible Impact

Tim is tense. Uncertain economic times are having quite the negative impact on the fictional Bellingwood Mineral Industries, and the company needs to make the very most of all its extraction rights; Tim has been tasked with directing research into present and future profitability of ores. His deadline is unbending and fast approaching, and a good deal of information has been accumulated in time - but Tim still needs the tools to bring the data together, extract key trends, and to be able to present his findings clearly and effectively to managers. Tim needs Microsoft Office.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

The Most Attention-Grabbing Content, Thanks To Adobe Flash

Fictional Internet marketing guru Natalie knows that she'll always be expected to produce commercial content that is both cutting edge and accessible, that is up-to-date enough to not look obsolete, but without technical demands that will deter potential customers. She also needs to be flexible enough to produce content to fit different demands - from small, simple adverts to large, detailed, dynamic content at the heart of a webpage - and for a wide range of diverse clients and audiences. To give her the flexibility and capability that she needs, and to keep her work straightforward and efficient, she uses Adobe Flash.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Learn About The Essential Steps In Project Management

Whether you're new or experienced at project management it can be really useful to focus on the essential steps in the project management process. This article summarises these.

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Why First-Class Training Can Lead To First-Class Project Management

Not using the best available tools for a job is never a particularly good idea. Sure, you may still complete the task successfully, but it might have been much more difficult than necessary, or more time-consuming, more costly, or perhaps have given a less effective result. If you need to remove a screw, use the right kind of screwdriver. If you need to hire a van to carry anything around, hire the right size of van. If you're entering into a complex and important project, make use of project management software - it'll help keep your schedules and budgets within their limits, highlight potential problems, give you more control over the allocation of resources, and offer you a clearer vision of the whole project from start to finish. All in all, effective use of project management software can make the difference between a completed project that's merely sufficient, and one that fulfils every demand to the best possible extent - or even the difference between success and outright failure.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

I Just Called To Say I Love You: The Yin And Yang Of Office Relationships

Transport yourself back in time to just thirty or forty years ago where the workplace was exactly as the word implies - the workplace. You would set off to work in the morning and return home around the same time each evening when you would change out of your work clothes and into something more casual. As you shrugged off the stresses of the day, you would return to yourself again.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Keep Stakeholders On Your Side, Keep Your Project On Course

As project manager, your performance is inevitably going to be key to the eventual success of the project. Your team, as well, are vital, carrying out the tasks that make the project move ahead. Yet there's a third group who also have a significant influence, who may not contribute directly to the completion of the project, but who can nonetheless play a very major role - the stakeholders.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

What Can Mentoring Mean For Your Enterprise?

When a transport company covers as large an area as the fictional Directway Haulage does, with such a large quantity and variety of jobs in so many different places, it's always necessary for them to have a large number of office-based staff. Not just the drivers and loaders. It's inevitable that there'll regularly be new employees who need to be introduced to the way the company works. And as Ben supervises the transport control department, where it's decided which vehicle goes where and when, so it's up to him to familiarise new starters with their role. So he takes a little time to show them the ropes, where to find the bespoke software used for the job and a quick run through of how it works, and then they're ready to go.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

What To Look For In A Training Support Forum

Many high-quality training companies will offer some kind of post-training support to you and your team. Ideally, this should be free of charge or for a small subscription fee - after all, it's designed to "mop up" any issues left over from training sessions, not to re-train you in entirety. How do you know if you're getting a good deal? Here are some aspects of training support forums that you should look out for.

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Three Ways Of Managing Performance Better

With programmes like 'The Apprentice' being very popular at the moment, how someone performs (whether under pressure or scrutiny or not) is always a huge factor in how successful they are at getting promotions, more responsibility, and ultimately, more money for their work.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Strategic Decision Making - As A Group

Decision making is something we do in our working lives day in, day out - and often on our own. When it comes to a future strategy, though - there are many advantages to strategic decision making as a team.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Stop Scrolling, Simply Split And Save Time

If you use Word 2007, and find that you often need to scroll through documents to make changes or review layouts, you can use the split screen feature in the Window options in the view tab on the ribbon. You can split a document screen into two horizontal sections so you can view two parts of the document at the same time. This is an easier way to copy and paste information from one area of the document to another, or even keep specific text in view as you type further on without having to scroll.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Avoid Those Tricky Typos With Word

With the onus now on all of us to type, format and distribute our documents, it's no surprise that errors can creep in on the journey from keyboard to printed documents. Even the bigger players can get it wrong. Being equipped with professional designers, copy writers and proof readers did not prevent a large council body from committing a few basic proof reading errors - that cost them dear in reprinting and redistributing.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Add A Table With Ease In Word 2007

According to the old saying, there's more than one way to skin a cat. I don't know where the origins of this grisly maxim lie, but its meaning is certainly true within the world of Microsoft Word, as the same task can often be performed in a number of different ways.

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Start Page Numbering Afresh By Inserting A Section Break

Before the development of the typewriter in the late Victorian era, all works of literature were painstakingly hand-written. Great writers, whose works are still in print today, such as Charles Dickens, Jane Austen and the Bronte Sisters, scratched out their masterpieces one letter at a time with pen and ink. Apart from being a laborious process compared to modern methods, editing and backing-up work must have been a nightmare.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How Plain English Cuts Through The Confusion

Whether you are creating a proposal to a new client, or writing instructions on how to safely ingest a couple of painkillers, it's important that you write in plain English to avoid misleading phrases and ambiguous text. A prime example of how we have all been using and reading clumsy text is evident on most warning labels accompanying medication: an area that should never create confusion when it comes to understanding instruction. This is just one type of communication that is currently being reviewed because words such as "drowsiness" and "avoid" are too confusing for the modern world, experts claim. With two million prescriptions being issued every day, a small percentage improvement through labels being more understandable could make a significant impact

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Working With Bulleted And Numbered Lists

As Microsoft Word becomes more sophisticated with advanced document layout and style capabilities, and design moguls are now recognising Word as a fully functioning layout program. Up until recently, Word might not have been considered as a serious alternative to any page makeup program, but it is now proving to be the first choice for creating professional documents that include different styles, footnotes, headings, sub heads, bullet lists, sequential lists and the dreaded 'Table of Contents' (TOC).

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

There's No Need To Look At Signs And Symbols As A Secret Code

I remember reading an advert that was published across a range of magazines several years ago which read something along the lines of: "if u cn rd ths msg u cld bcm scrtry & gt gd offc jb". Convinced that shorthand was as simple as deciphering a few cryptic consonants and adding in the missing vowels, I decided that it would, therefore, be just as easy to become a PA. With retrospect I should not, perhaps, have believed the ad - but at least it might have made texting easier.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Success In Time Management? It's All Maintenance

After a time management course or seminar, we feel energised, ready to tackle how we manage our time and start off with the best of intentions. No doubt one of the time management techniques you will have learned is how to create a personal plan.

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Identify And Include Your Project's Stakeholders

A single act can affect a lot of people. We have many words and phrases to describe the way in which this happens, terms such as knock-on effect, chain reaction, ripples spreading in a pool and the domino effect. These all refer to situations where a single act affects others who are often far removed from its centre.

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How To Lay The Foundations Of Your Project

When you're past the proposals stage of launching a project, you could be raring to go, but at this stage you need to maintain your patience as the initiative is at a very crucial stage.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Left And Right Brain Approaches To Work Tasks

Not many people understand the differences between the left and right brain, but they do know whether they tend to take a more logical, methodical approach to work, or if they're a more creative, spontaneous, out-of-the-box type. Of course, we're all a combination of both, but we'll usually lean more to one side or the other. Knowing how you prefer to work can help you greatly in your daily tasks, or even in your career choice itself.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Get Outlook 2007 Up To Maximum Speed

In the 1994 film "The Hudsucker Proxy", Tim Robbins takes a job in the mail department of a huge corporation. He befriends an old-timer who has worked on mail-sorting for so long that he can throw each envelope into its pigeon-hole with great accuracy from several feet away and at great speed.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Create A Custom Inbox View In Outlook 2010

Whether you're an experienced Outlook user or just starting out with Outlook, sooner or later you'll want to customise one of the message views. In this article we'll look at creating a new customised inbox view and the concepts also apply to creating other customised views within Outlook as well. Creating a customised inbox view allows you to add extra columns, change the column order, change the sort order and apply message grouping or filtering if you wish.

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Find Out About The New Common Features In Office 2010

Whether you're thinking about starting to use the new Microsoft Office 2010 Office applications or you're already using the suite, you can find out about the new common features in this short article. The Office 2010 applications have much more in common compared to previous versions and the benefit is that once you've mastered one feature then you can use it in the other applications without much difficulty.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Monday, July 18, 2011

Managing Upwards: A Two Way Street

Most of us have to deal with a manager or senior at work, but what if you have more people to manage up towards, including board members, shareholders or executives? Here are some tips when you want to open up that two way street that is Managing Upwards.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Use The New PowerPoint Web App

The PowerPoint Web App, along with the Word and Excel Web Apps was launched at the same time of as the new Office 2010 suite. These Web Apps are cut down version of the desktop applications but offer the benefit of working with the packages online. This article looks at how to use the new PowerPoint web App and summarises its main features.

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How To Pool Resources In Microsoft Project

You might be familiar with using resources in Microsoft Project but did you know you can pool one set of resources between several Project plans? This lets you effectively manage resources over several projects and enables you to detect resource conflicts between projects. This article describes the key steps in setting up resource sharing in Microsoft Project. The steps are to first create the resource pool file and then link one or more Project plan files to this Resource Pool. Once linked, each Project file will see only the resources in the resource pool, so resources can then be assigned to several projects from the linked resource pool.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Monitor And Improve Financial Performance: Take Charge Of Your Finances

Companies monitor their financial performance as a guideline to their growth or decline in turnover. When profits are lagging, there is very little that can be done to correct the past. However with some clear goals and objectives tucked under the proverbial executive belt, each new financial period can show significant improvements when adhering to a step by step action plan or using key strategies to ensure that targets are achieved.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Enhancing Your Day - With A Digital Diary

Unfortunate as it may sometimes appear - unfair even - there's really quite a small limit on how much any of us can do at a time. But that doesn't mean no-one's going to expect us to do more than we can handle, it doesn't mean we won't be expected to be in two places at once or to have anything other than the standard issue single pair of hands. And if we can't stop these demands on our time, then at least we can try and sort them into some kind of order.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Sharing Is Easy With Powerpoint 2010

A commercial presentation these days is pretty much unthinkable without Microsoft Powerpoint, which is testimony to the program's comprehensive construction and accessible style. Once the preserve of flip charts and slide projectors presentations now run smoothly and unobtrusively with ever improving visually stimulating graphics providing the perfect illustrative backup to the issues under discussion.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Positive Image, Positive Communication

Whether we admit to it or not, we're all pretty image-conscious. Whether it's the suit we wear to work, the car we drive, or the job itself that we have, we are often far too aware of how other people perceive us. Sometimes, this tends to go out of the window when we're in work, especially if you've done the job for a long time, know everyone, and feel very comfortable in the workplace.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Friday, July 15, 2011

How To Ensure Your Diagrams Are Always Up To Date

During a particularly stressful time while working in a busy finance department, one of my colleagues randomly yelled: "Burma". This spontaneous outburst was to become a regular occurrence when deadlines loomed. After hearing this on several occasions I eventually asked him why he repeatedly shouted this out.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Thursday, July 14, 2011

From A Budding Entrepreneur To A Blooming Success

For those who are lead by their ambitions, the thought of starting a business is an idea they toil with every day.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

So Where Have All The Project 2010 Templates Gone?

Have you ever needed to look at a template in Microsoft Project? Whether you are a new or experienced Project user, you may well be interested in looking at a template to further your understanding or gain some ideas on building your own project. In the previous version of Project you could install a full set of nearly fifty useful templates on your computer just for this purpose. However try launching Project 2010 and check out the templates. You may be surprised to find that there only a very few installed locally on your computer. The vast majority are now available online.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Track And Trace With Office 2007

Police investigation has come a long way since Holmes and Watson used simple deduction to solve their mysteries.

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Summary And Subtasks In Microsoft Project

Outlining in MS Project is a useful way of dividing up tour tasks into sub-tasks. This is particularly useful when you are running a project with many tasks and it is fairly easy to set up. Let us assume that the Red Lion is undergoing a major refurbishment using MS Project.

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How To Create Layers In Visio

When creating a diagram or drawing in Visio, splitting the overall picture into layers is a useful technique that allows the user to concentrate on a particular part of the project. Here are some tips on how to get started in the use of layers.

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Create A Simple Form In Access

Let me take you back to the late nineties, an age when the Spice Girls were household names and L.A. Confidential was delighting the critics (it won 2 Oscars). DVDs were in their infancy and the vast majority of films were still released on VHS video. Far less controllable than DVDs, the videotape would squeak its way from one reel to the other and if you wanted to get to your favourite scene you had to fast forward and then rewind till you homed in on it; there was no scene select function. Add to this a fuzzy picture and wavering soundtrack caused by the tracking and the possibility of the machine chewing up the tape completely and you will see that the DVD was an invention whose time had come.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

10 Top Tips For Effectively Using Microsoft Project

The Three P's Of Success In Communication

There is so much written, taught, and published about good communication skills, it's now getting hard to boil it down to what exactly constitutes good communication, and how to gain success in this field. Therefore here are the three "golden rules" to communication and how they work. It's the three P's - Practice, Planning and Positive Thinking.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Finance Basics: How To Stop The Abuse Of Finance At Work

It's only the large-scale abuse of finance that seem to make the news in business. Million pound embezzlements, large-scale corporate scams, political expenses scandals, or tax evasion. Financial abuse, however, probably happens in every business. "What?" you cry. "I'm no thief!". Probably you aren't, but some financial abuse is done accidentally or inadvertently, and some is just too tempting for an employee who knows they can get away with it. Here are some ways to prevent financial abuse in your workplace.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Think Holistically To Boost Financial Performance

If you've taken a look at your balance sheets and wish to give the financial performance of your firm a boost then there are a series of steps you can take.

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Preparing For A Business Boom

When businesses fail consumers may believe that the company concerned had trouble making a niche for itself in a competitive market, but sometimes the opposite is true, and this can be avoided by carefully reviewing financial information.

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Tips On Controlling Your Business Costs

Saving your company money can become a complicated business depending on the techniques you use, as there are lots of ways to control costs.

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What's In A Balance Sheet?

Starting you own company may be confusing, especially if you have to take sole charge of all operations, which makes getting your accounts in order very important.

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Learn To Spot Money Problems Before They Occur

Getting a realistic impression of your financial robustness is possible if you generate cash flow statements because they act as a good indicator of potential money issues.

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Capitalise On Your Capital Investments

There are many ways you can boost the profitability of your company and once you have the accounts in order it's possible to see areas that could benefit from investment.

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Understanding The Cash Flow In The Business

What exactly is cash flow?

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Capital Investment Techniques

If you plan to invest capital in premises, land or equipment you need to be able to work out the pros and cons of each investment opportunity. You can use capital investment techniques which estimate the income returns against all the outlays for the proposed investment over a period of time. This article summaries two types of capital investment techniques, the first type based on simple income estimates, and the second type based on discounted income estimates.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Businesses, An Online Presence And Expression Web

A few months ago I had an old friend back round at the flat for coffee following a night out. We chatted about days gone by; the nights out we had, the films we saw and the gigs we attended. We discussed many of the albums we bought back in those days and we recalled one Saturday when we had both bought a new release by Ohio band Devo, my own copy being on funky blue vinyl.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

What To Look For In A Training Company's Pricing Policy

If, like many of today's businesses, you find that you need to book an external training company, the sheer number of different options available can be confusing. How much should the training be? What discounts should you look for? How can you tell you're getting value for money? These are all questions that should be at the forefront of your mind before you commit to a booking. For reference, here are some ways to recognise the better pricing policies when browsing for a training provider.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Office's Smaller Programs - Less Famous, But Just As Effective

There's a certain wonder in finding anything that - like Batman's utility belt - can do more than you thought it could. It's hard to imagine that anyone, upon first picking up a Swiss Army knife, could avoid the desire to pull out every section, just to see what it's for. Like a coat with unexpected extra pockets, or a phone with a plethora of applications that have little in common with phoning, it's not so much the utility as the excitement of discovery that tickles us. What the hidden extra does is, temporarily at least, of less concern than finding out that it exists at all.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Use The New Screen Clipping Tool In Office 2010

Office 2010 comes with a very useful Screen Clipping tool which lets you capture an image of any open Window or part of your desktop, and add the image to your current document. The new Screen Clipping tool is available in Word 2010, Excel 2010, PowerPoint 2010 and Outlook 2010.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Manipulate Your Facebook Privacy Settings To Keep Job Offers Rolling In

In this advancing age of computer technology, nearly every surfer has a Facebook account. Whether you are a renowned celebrity, budding politician or a grandmother, social media sites are fast becoming a modern and easy way to communicate with your friends and loved ones by sharing and interacting with them with pictures and events as they happen.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Discover The Most Useful Microsoft Office Product

If you intend to purchase a suite from Microsoft (MS), you are likely to take a look at all the programmes in each one to find the best ones for your needs.

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The Diversity Of Microsoft Office

Wouldn't life be a lot easier if we only had to learn how to use one application and that was that? Like riding a bicycle for example - once you have mastered the technique then you can sit astride any of hundreds of models, from a racing bike to a BMX where, save for a few minor differences, the actual riding is pretty much the same. Not so in the big wide world of Microsoft Office applications.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Show JPG Or GIF Images In Access 2003 Forms

If you work with Microsoft Access 2003 you may discover that you can only display bitmap images in Access forms where you want to show a different image for each record. Try using a jpg or gif file for each record and you're stumped. This because the Access field type used to display images OLE (object link embedded) only caters for bitmap files. You can display a jpg or gif file in an Access form, such as a logo, in an image frame, but the image frame cannot be linked to separate image records, so the one image will always display on the form independent of the record selected.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Monday, July 11, 2011

How Investing In Excel Training Can Save Your Business A Small Fortune

It must be nice, not to have to worry about money; drifting through life, knowing that you have what you need without fretting over the price of anything, or just how much of your income is floating straight back out with the monthly bills. Not a trouble in the world, just enjoy the freedom that comes with a lack of restriction.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Visio - Pointing Your Business In The Right Direction

Have you ever stopped to ask for directions in an unfamiliar town? Or perhaps even a different country entirely? Perhaps a sat-nav system has sent you inexplicably down a back alley; perhaps your road map just isn't clear enough. So you stop and asking a local how to get from A to B.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How Access Can Provide The Key To Successful Stock Management

Would you think of yourself as organised? Let's say you have a long and rather packed bookcase at home (perhaps you do, perhaps you don't, but we'll say you do); are the books kept nicely and neatly in order, so you can always find what you need at the drop of a hat? Be honest, now. There are rather a lot of us who would say yes, and who might well keep it up for a few weeks at the beginning - but, before long, things start getting left out, or hurriedly put back in the first available place when we're cleaning up. Time tends to be short, and maybe we just don't have enough of it to keep our books carefully ordered.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

A Perfect Website For Every Small Business

The days of being able to succeed in business without an effective online presence are rapidly disappearing - and even if it's possible to survive that way, any company that does is missing out on a potentially significant boost to business. For even the smallest company, putting the business online offers both a cheap form of advertising and a direct link to the consumer; what's more, not having a website can be a serious disadvantage if rival businesses do have one.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Listening To Feedback To Perfect Your Presentations

If you've a PowerPoint presentation to make, you want it to be effective, to be of the highest standard you're able to give. Of course you do. What would be the point in wasting time preparing and giving a presentation that's lacking in quality? Whether the purpose is to inform, to educate, to persuade, to highlight details, to report on successes or to advertise the benefits of a proposal, a less effective PowerPoint show means that your message simply won't get through as well as it should. Presentations, after all, are an important part of business life; a failed presentation can be, at best, a wasted opportunity - or at worst it could have a tangibly negative impact on the audience.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Why It's Vital To Find Office Training That Keeps You In Control

So many businesses rely on Microsoft Office software that training staff to use it has become very widespread. Indeed, many organisations see it as a necessity - after all, if you're going to rely on a piece of software for the success of your company, it surely makes sense to be able to use that software to its fullest extent. Perhaps your organisation is amongst those that believe in the value of Office training.

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Non-Financial Managers - Know Your Jargon!

Many of us have, at one point or another, found ourselves baffled by cricket jargon; perhaps it was when first developing an interest in the game, or perhaps there's never been any affection there at all, and the sport remains shrouded in incomprehensible terms and unappealing notions. Silly points, nurdles, third men, googlies and slips: even those of us who love cricket will accept that it has a strange vocabulary all of its own.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Take Control Of Your Schedule With Microsoft Outlook Calendar

If you are a freelance professional in the 21st century then organisation really has to be your watchword. Accepting commissions from numerous different employers and working to a variety of deadlines it is no surprise that the disparate strands of your working life can sometimes get on top of you.

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Let Word Keep Your Documents Looking Their Best

Exactly when we began printing text on to paper is open to some debate. European tradition looks to Gutenberg, his revolution of movable type putting books in the hands of millions. Chinese tradition gazes rather further into the past, to woodblocks in the third century; a similar technique emerged independently in Egypt within a hundred years of the Chinese; and others may point to the earliest Mesopotamian cylinder seals, rolling images onto clay and creating the first distributable form of communication.

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How To Deal With Toxic Team Members

Managing a project is fraught with difficulties. There are the practical and technical aspects to contend with; the classic balancing act between time and budget, planning for unforeseen developments that may play havoc with your resources, organising your manpower in the most effective, productive way.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Friday, July 08, 2011

How To Make Sure Your Audience Is Just Loving It

Apparently our ears are the quickest routes to our hearts. As Hans Christian Anderson said: "When words fail, music speaks." And now, more than ever before, it's sound that paints 1,000 words in any presentation.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

How To Ensure Your Text Is Presentation-Perfect With PowerPoint

When it comes to creating a professional presentation, we usually worry about the text style - the size and font, even the colour of our text on each slide. But putting our work directly in the spotlight can also show up spelling and grammatical errors that would make any presenter cringe with embarrassment. Having these errors displayed in front of an attentive audience at 32 point bold just doesn't bear thinking about. Luckily, PowerPoint 2007 has some useful text editing tools on hand.

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Three Different Ways To Improve Your Power Point Presentations

PowerPoint presenters can fit into two categories - those who create and those who don't. If, like many people, you've sat through tens or hundreds of presentations, you're going to know that many of them are achingly similar (and subsequently, equally boring).

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Finding The Right Colours For The Perfect Presentation

There's no question that PowerPoint can brighten up a presentation. Instead of plain text, any of us, whatever the situation, can make our presentations much brighter and more engaging than ever - and we can't hope to make any kind of impact if we don't have the audience's full attention. Clearly, a presentation without any colour isn't going to be terribly effective.

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The Microsoft Training Blog Team

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Create A Novel Photo In PowerPoint

Clipart is a very useful tool that can be used to enhance all manner of documents. When I was manager of a video rental store I made a small laminated sign on which I placed a clipart image of a cuckoo that had fallen from its clock, and alongside this I placed text that read Back in 5 Minutes. I stuck this on the door every time I nipped out to the shop and over time two customers asked me to make similar signs for them; the humorous clipart had clearly struck a chord. This serves as an example of clipart put to good use but the golden rule is not to overuse it as this can cheapen the look of a document.

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How To Successfully Broadcast A Live Presentation

With 28% of the employment workforce working from home-based businesses in the UK, there are now 2.1 million home office-based organisations throughout the country. And while research shows that the two most popular factors to start a home-based business are flexibility to work hours and getting the home/work life balance right, it's a given that the technology to facilitate this must also be right. So when it comes to connecting with colleagues and clients, PowerPoint 2003 can bridge the gap with powerful live broadcasting facilities even for sole traders and smaller business organisations.

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Tips In Navigating Through A PowerPoint Slide Show

Once created, you can present your PowerPoint slide show by navigating through the slides in different ways, depending on your audience and resources available. This article summarises presentation navigation using keyboard shortcuts, action buttons and hyperlinks.

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