Sunday, August 15, 2010

Problem Solving And Decision Making

Why is it important to consider the process of problem solving and decision making? Why can't a person simply hear of an issue and pick the first solution that comes into his/her head? Problems arise continuously both in and out of the workplace. A person can make a snap decision without too much consideration of the problem. In some cases an incorrect decision will not have a drastic effect on their lives, but sometimes a quick decision without careful analysis can be disastrous for themselves and for others. Problem solving and decision making skills can be beneficial to all people in all walks of life as a way of minimising negative consequences and creating a positive, practical outcome. As your skills increase, the more competent and dexterous you will become. You will spend less time explaining why things went wrong and more time basking in praise from those around you!

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team


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