Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Converting Colour Space In Publisher

Many moons ago when I was a young man I produced my own music fanzine, a very crude publication that consisted of photocopied A4 sheets stapled down the left side. Getting each issue onto the streets was a lengthy chore that saw me painstakingly type out interviews and articles on a huge manual typewriter. I would then hand the completed typing over to my mother, who took it to work to have the text reduced on a photocopier. Finally I would lay out the pages, creating headlines using lettering transfer kits and sticking down blocks of text and photographs when I was happy with their positions. This was a tricky operation on which the visual impact of the fanzine depended as back in those days cut and paste meant scissors and a glue stick and once something was stuck down it was pretty much permanent.

The full article appears here:

The Microsoft Training Blog Team


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